Burning Buckle

Willst du das Beste aus deinem Training herausholen? Dann ist das Burning Buckle Trainingsband perfekt für dich! Das Widerstandsband sorgt dafür, dass deine Muskeln während deines Trainings unter Spannung stehen.

1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
Der Burning Buckle: Die originale packe den Buckles: Greise und schwarz
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
Der Burning Buckle: Die originale packe den Buckles: Greise und schwarz

Burning Buckles

Jetzt bestellen

Für diesen Preis erhältst du ein Paket mit zwei unterschiedlich starken Gymbändern

Burning Buckle Spezifikationen

ach einer Zeit der Entwicklung, vieler Tests und der Produktion sind wir mit dem Burning Buckle auf den Markt gekommen. Was macht dieses Widerstandsband so revolutionär? Die Schnalle natürlich! Sie können das Band einfach öffnen und schließen. Das bedeutet, dass Sie sich während des Trainings nicht mehr anstrengen müssen. Das An- und Ablegen des Widerstandsbandes ist ein Kinderspiel. Sie wickeln das Burning Buckle im Handumdrehen um Ihre Beine. Wir bieten zwei Sets mit zwei Arten von Widerstandsbändern an, die sich nur in der Länge unterscheiden. Das macht es zum idealen Set, wenn Sie damit beginnen möchten, Ihre Beine und/oder Ihren Po schöner und runder zu machen. Es ist das perfekte Werkzeug, um einen schön geformten Po zu bekommen. In unseren Sets mit Gymnastikbändern finden Sie alles, was Sie für einen starken Po brauchen.

Das Burning Buckle Fitnessband ist nicht irgendein Widerstandsband. Es ist die Crème de la Crème unter den Widerstandsbändern. Das Burning Buckle ist das erste Widerstandsband auf dem Markt mit einer Schließe. Wie eine Schnalle an einem Gürtel. Kurz gesagt: Das Burning Buckle ist das erste und einzige Widerstandsband mit einem so genannten 'Click and Go'-System. Dadurch lässt sich das Band leicht öffnen und schließen. Ideal, wenn Sie das Band für Ihre Gesäßmuskulatur bei verschiedenen Sportübungen verwenden möchten. Das Widerstandsband hat eine Länge von 69 cm (27 Zoll). Es ist ein kurzes Band, das sich für Übungen eignet, die meist mit dem eigenen Körpergewicht vom Boden oder der Gymnastikmatte aus durchgeführt werden. Es unterstützt Sie auch bei Kniebeugen und Deadlifts. Das Burning Buckle ist in Sets mit zwei Bändern erhältlich: einem grauen und einem schwarzen Band. Das graue Band hat einen Widerstand von 45 lbs. (20 Kilo) und das schwarze Band hat einen Widerstand von 55 lbs. (25 Kilo) Die Forschung zeigt, dass diese Widerstände perfekt sind, wenn Sie Ihr Gesäß oder Ihre Beine gut trainieren wollen.

Die Forschung zeigt, dass diese Widerstandsbänder perfekt sind für:
Starke und straffe Pobacken
Training von Schnelligkeit und Gewandtheit
Flexibilität und Mobilität
Prävention und Behandlung von Verletzungen

Benefits of the Burning Buckle 

You probably recognize it: the resistance band slides or rolls up, getting in takes time and is difficult, so that you lose your focus during your workout. Such a shame! You don't want to be involved in that at all while exercising. With the Burning Buckle you don't have to worry about that at all. The Burning Buckle is going to make your training sessions so much easier!

Wir haben die Vorteile aufgelistet:
Viele Ergebnisse in kurzer Zeit
Kein Boarding erforderlich
Der Umtausch ist schnell und einfach
Die brennende Schnalle bleibt an ihrem Platz
Keine Hautreizung
Schwerpunkt bleibt die Ausbildung
Ein starkes Gesäß entlastet den Rücken
Sie können sogar Ihre Jeans anbehalten ;-)

Burning Buckle Übungen

Mit der Burning Buckle trainieren Sie, wo und wann Sie wollen, sowohl drinnen als auch im Freien. So können Sie Ihr Gesäß und Ihre Beine ganz einfach von Ihrem Wohnzimmer aus trainieren. Auch auf der Arbeit in der Pause oder heimlich während der Arbeit auf Ihrem Schreibtischstuhl können Sie mit der Beinabduktion beginnen. Innerhalb weniger Minuten wird Ihr Gesäß einen Wachstumsschub erfahren! Sie brauchen wirklich keine Operation, um den berüchtigten Hintern von Kim Kardashian zu bekommen, sondern nur ein gutes Widerstandsband und ein tolles Trainingsprogramm. Es gibt mehrere Gesäßübungen, die Sie mit der Burning Buckle durchführen können. Mit einer Reihe von einfach auszuführenden Übungen können Sie an einem perfekten Po arbeiten. Sie können kurze Workouts von 5 Minuten, aber auch längere Sätze wählen. Nachfolgend haben wir die wichtigsten Gesäß- und Beinübungen aufgelistet, die Sie mit der Burning Buckle durchführen können.

Gehe zu Übungen

Buy the Burning Buckle

Der Burning Buckle ist die ideale Ergänzung zu Ihrem Gesäßtraining, um mehr Kraft aufzubauen. Es gibt kein effektiveres Sportgerät, das so einfach zu benutzen ist. Möchten Sie wissen, wie es ist, mit der Burning Buckle zu trainieren? Bestellen Sie noch heute Ihr Set Widerstandsbänder. Die Burning Buckle hilft Ihnen, das Beste aus Ihrem Training herauszuholen. Haben Sie Fragen oder Anmerkungen zum Widerstandsband? Dann kontaktieren Sie uns und stellen Sie Ihre Frage! Wir erzählen Ihnen gerne mehr über unsere Produkte und wie Sie sie am besten einsetzen können. Bestellen Sie ein Set und probieren Sie es aus, Sie können es innerhalb von 14 Tagen umtauschen. Bauen Sie Ihren Hintern auf!

Jetzt bestellen

Für diesen Preis erhältst du ein Paket mit zwei unterschiedlich starken Gymbändern
