1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
Der Burning Buckle: Die originale packe den Buckles: Greise und schwarz
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
Der Burning Buckle: Die originale packe den Buckles: Greise und schwarz

Der Burning Buckle: Die originale packe den Buckles: Greise und schwarz


Eine packe der Burning Buckles haltet ein:

1 Set enthält 2 Bänder.
Sie haben beide eine Länge von 84 cm, aber unterschiedliche Widerstände.

PRE ORDER NOW! (Estimated date of delivery: Sept 19th '22)

Das rosa Band hat 20 kg Widerstand.
Das rote Band hat 25 kg Widerstand.

Forschungen zeigen, dass dies die effektivsten Widerstände für das Training sind.

Nach einer Zeit der Entwicklung, vieler Tests und der Produktion haben wir den Burning Buckle entwickelt. Was macht dieses Widerstandsband so revolutionär? Die Schnalle, natürlich! Mit dem Klicksystem kannst du den Gürtel ganz einfach öffnen und schließen. Das bedeutet kein unnötiger Aufwand beim Trainieren. Das An- und Ablegen des Widerstandsbands ist ein Kinderspiel. 

Im Handumdrehen klickst du den Burning Buckle an deinen Beinen fest. So kannst du schnell mit deinem Killer-Workout beginnen und auf die flexiblen Beine und den runden Po von z.B. Kylie Jenner hintrainieren. Der Burning Buckle ist kürzer als der Booty Buckle und eignet sich daher für eine Vielzahl weiterer Übungen. Build that booty – jetzt bestellen!

Vorteile der Burning Buckle?
- Am besten geeignet für Bodyweight-Training auf einer Gymnastikmatte
- Unterstützung bei Kniebeugen und Kreuzheben
Geeignet für Klassiker wie: Kick Backs und Ausfallschritte
Wechseln geht schnell und einfach
Runde, feste Pobacken
Die Burning Buckle bleibt dank der Anti-Rutsch-Schicht auf der Innenseite an seinem Platz
Keine Hautreizungen dank des weichen Textils, das in das elastische Band eingearbeitet ist
Fokus bleibt beim Training
Ein starkes Gesäß entlastet deinen Rücken
Du kannst sogar deine Jeans anbehalten ;-)

Der Burning Buckle ist in einem Set mit zwei Bändern erhältlich
Beide Bänder sind 69 Zentimeter lang
Das graue Band hat einen Widerstand von 20kg
Das schwarze Band hat einen Widerstand von 25kg

Geeignet für
Starke und straffe Pobacken
Schnelligkeits- und Beweglichkeitstraining
Flexibilität und Mobilität
Schnelligkeits- und Beweglichkeitstraining
- Prävention und Behandlung von Verletzungen

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Über Widerstandsbänder
