Booty Buckle

The ultimate and most original bands are made to define that much desired curve on your behind :-)
Rêvez-vous de jambes et de fesses serrées ? Alors la Booty Buckle est un excellent choix. Le Booty Buckle rend les exercices tels que les squats et les fentes latérales encore plus difficiles.

The band is also a good alternative for weight training. You can easily complete your workouts in the gym, at home, in front of the TV or during your break at work. The Booty Buckle takes up little space and is lightweight. This makes it easy to take the band with you wherever you go. With the Booty Buckle you can perform a varied workout for your legs and buttocks wherever and whenever you want. It's up to you! Do you also want to get the most out of your glute training? The Booty Buckle can help you with that!

Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Dreaming of tight legs and firm buttocks? The Booty Buckle is your best choice. These bootybands help you get the most out of every workout.
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose
Booty Buckle: Les originals, un paquet de Boucklets: Rouge et Rose

Booty Buckles

Commander maintenant

Pour ce prix, vous recevrez un colis contenant deux bandes élastiques de différentes résistances.

Booty Buckle Spécifications

La bande de gymnastique Booty Buckle n'est pas n'importe quelle bande de résistance. C'est la crème de la crème des bandes de résistance. La Booty Buckle est la première bande de résistance du marché dotée d'un fermoir. Comme la boucle d'une ceinture. En bref, la Booty Buckle est la seule et unique bande de résistance dotée du système "click and go". Cela permet d'ouvrir et de fermer facilement la bande. Idéal si vous souhaitez utiliser la bande pour vos fessiers lors de divers exercices sportifs. La bande de résistance a une longueur de 84 cm. C'est une bande longue qui convient aux exercices légers, souvent avec le poids du corps, comme les fentes latérales et les kickbacks. La boucle Booty Buckle est disponible en jeux de deux bandes : une bande rose et une bande rouge. La bande rose a une résistance de 45 lbs. (20 kilos) et la bande rouge a une résistance de 55 lbs. (25 kilos) Les recherches montrent que ces résistances sont parfaites si vous voulez bien entraîner vos fesses ou vos jambes.

You can use the Booty Buckle for different applications:
• Strong and tight buttocks
• Speed ​​and Agility Training
• Flexibility and mobility
• Strength training
Prévention et traitement des blessures

Avantages de la Booty Buckle ?

Il n'y a rien de plus ennuyeux qu'une bande de résistance qui s'enroule ou qui bouge pendant que vous faites de l'exercice. La bande enroulée irrite votre peau et il est ennuyeux de devoir s'arrêter alors que vous étiez en train de vous amuser. En outre, l'entrée et la sortie prennent souvent du temps et ne se font pas toujours sans heurts. En raison de l'ouverture étroite, vous devez rapidement vous asseoir pour enfiler correctement le pneu. Reconnaissable ? Avec le Booty Buckle, vous n'avez plus ce problème. Avec cette bande, vous n'avez plus besoin de vous frayer un chemin à l'intérieur, il vous suffit de cliquer pour la fermer. Cela vous permet de rester debout et vous n'avez plus besoin de vous tortiller dans toutes sortes de virages pour enfiler la bande de résistance. C'est particulièrement agréable si vous faites plusieurs exercices à la suite. Vous voulez garder le rythme, afin que votre rythme cardiaque reste élevé et que la tension sur vos fessiers soit là pour vous faire passer au niveau suivant.

Ce n'est qu'avec ces brûlures que vous laissez les fessiers se développer et que vous obtenez le résultat souhaité, à savoir des fesses rondes et serrées. Nous savons mieux que quiconque qu'il peut être très frustrant lorsque la bande de résistance ne coopère pas. Surtout lorsque vous voulez combiner différents exercices. Avec le Booty Buckle, vous n'avez plus ce problème. Vous cliquez la bande autour de vos jambes sans effort et très rapidement. La bande de résistance rend vos exercices de fessiers plus efficaces et plus faciles ! Faites-nous confiance, une fois que vous aurez essayé la Booty Buckle, vous ne voudrez plus jamais utiliser une autre bande de résistance. Nous avons énuméré les avantages de la Booty Buckle :
• No boarding required
• Exchanging is quick and easy
• The Booty Buckle stays in place
• No skin irritation
• Focus remains on the training
Des fesses solides soulagent votre dos

Booty Buckle Exercises

You get firm, beautiful buttocks and legs when you train with the Booty Buckle. Where and when do you prefer to train? You don't necessarily have to go to the gym for a good workout. With the Booty Buckle you can do a training session wherever you want, whether you are in the office, at home or in the park. A resistance band is a good foundation for your regular workout routine. You can easily take them with you (for example when traveling), are versatile and take up almost no space. You can use the Booty Buckle for exercises where you use your body weight or as a replacement for weights. With the Booty Buckle you can train muscle groups in a very targeted manner, such as your glutes. This makes the Booty Buckle the perfect tool for shapely buttocks. Are you recovering from an injury? Then the Booty Buckle also offers a solution. Training with resistance bands reduces the risk of injury. There are many exercises you can do with the Booty Buckle. Below we have listed the most effective glute and leg exercises for you that you can do with the resistance band. You will quickly get results for your glutes & booty. You can count on that!

Aller à Exercices

Buy the Booty Buckle

Des fesses serrées ne sont pas seulement esthétiques, elles vous aideront aussi à éviter les problèmes de dos ! Lorsque vos fessiers deviennent paresseux, d'autres muscles du bas du dos prennent le relais. Souvent, les hanches sont alors dans une position désalignée. Cela modifie votre posture. Cela entraîne une charge incorrecte sur le corps et, avec le temps, des plaintes (douleurs). Alors, lève tes fesses paresseuses et commence à t'entraîner dès aujourd'hui ! Avec le Booty Buckle, vous pouvez entraîner vos fessiers de manière ciblée. C'est la base pour développer plus de force dans votre entraînement. Vous voulez savoir ce que c'est que de s'entraîner avec la Booty Buckle ? Commandez dès aujourd'hui votre jeu de boucles. La Booty Buckle vous aide à tirer le meilleur parti de votre entraînement. Vous avez des questions ou des commentaires sur la bande de résistance ? Alors contactez-nous et posez votre question ! Nous serons heureux de vous en dire plus sur nos produits et sur la façon dont vous pouvez les utiliser au mieux. Commandez un jeu et essayez-le, vous pouvez l'échanger dans les 14 jours. Vos fesses vous remercieront ! ;-)

Commander maintenant

Pour ce prix, vous recevrez un colis contenant deux bandes élastiques de différentes résistances.
