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What is this Booty band about..?

ORDER NOW: the Gymbands that Opens

Check out The Booty Buckle

Meet our Lead Programmer

Emily Bitton is the owner of The Web PT, an online training app with a holistic approach to help individuals achieve their health and fitness goals.

Meet Emily

The Gymband that Opens

And yes, it closes as well and it works really easy. Ideal for fast changes of exercises or combinations with a sprint. HITT fans will love this Bootyband with a buckle. This product is tested for safety. It will not open under tension.

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Booty Buckle

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Breakthrough in the world of resistance bands

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Burning Buckle

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"A practical gymband without the hassle of stepping in or out.."
"No longer that awkward feeling of people watching you putting it on as a it was a pair of underpants"

Marcus Winright

"This is the best bootyband by far" "Finally a good item for combo's and supersets.."

Casandra Green

"It sits when it needs to sit and comes off when you want it to" "No distractions of getting the band right. This works at once" "As it should!"

Minora Santos

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