Burning Buckle

Wil jij het maximale uit jouw workouts halen? Dan is de Burning Buckle gymband perfect voor jou! De weerstandsband zorgt ervoor dat je spieren lekker onder spanning staan tijdens je oefening. Hoe meer je traint, hoe meer resultaat je ervaart. Deze banden zijn ook bekend als resistance bands of booty bands. Met de Burning Buckle til je al jouw workouts naar een hoger niveau. Je maakt oefeningen zoals squats en hip bridges een stuk prettiger én intensiever. Nog een voordeel: de Burning Buckle is gemakkelijk mee te nemen in je (sport)tas. Ideaal voor als je op vakantie bent of als je na je werk nog even wil werken aan je billen. Sjouwen met zware gewichten behoort met de Burning Buckle tot de verleden tijd. Je kunt de weerstandsband gebruiken tijdens je warming-up, maar je kunt er ook zeker complete trainingssessies mee doen. Met de Burning Buckle gymband train je delen van je bilspieren, waarvan je niet eens wist dat je ze had!

1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
Burning Buckle
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
1 Set includes 2 gymbands. They both have a length of 27 inch (69 cm) but they each carry different levels of resistance.
Burning Buckle

Burning Buckle

Bestel Nu

Voor deze prijs ontvang je een verpakking met daarin twee gymbands van verschillende sterktes

Specificaties Burning Buckle

Na een periode van ontwikkelen, heel veel testen en produceren zijn we op de markt gekomen met de Burning Buckle. Wat deze weerstandsband zo revolutionair maakt? De buckle natuurlijk! Je kunt de band gemakkelijk openen en sluiten. Dit betekent geen gedoe meer tijdens het sporten. Het om- en afdoen van de weerstandsband is een piece of cake. Je ‘slaat’ de Burning Buckle in een no time om je benen. We bieden twee sets van twee type weerstandsbanden aan, waarbij ze alleen van lengte verschillen. Dit maakt het de ideale set als je aan de slag wilt met het mooier en ronder maken van je benen en/of billen.

De weerstandsband is 69 centimeter lang. Het is een lange band welke geschikt is voor oefeningen vanuit stilstand. Met eigen lichaamsgewicht vanaf de grond maar ook ter ondersteuning van squats en deadlifts. De Burning Buckle is beschikbaar in sets van twee banden: een grijze en een zwarte band. De grijze band heeft een weerstand van 20 kilo en de zwarte band heeft een weerstand van 25 kilo. Uit onderzoek blijkt dat deze weerstanden perfect zijn voor als je je billen of benen goed wilt trainen.

Uit onderzoek blijkt dat deze weerstandsbanden perfect zijn voor:
• Sterke en strakke billen
• Snelheids- en behendigheidstraining
• Flexibiliteit en mobiliteit
• Krachttraining
• Blessurepreventie en -behandeling

Benefits of the Burning Buckle 

You probably recognize it: the resistance band slides or rolls up, getting in takes time and is difficult, so that you lose your focus during your workout. Such a shame! You don't want to be involved in that at all while exercising. With the Burning Buckle you don't have to worry about that at all. The Burning Buckle is going to make your training sessions so much easier!

We hebben de voordelen op een rij gezet:
• Veel resultaat in een korte tijd
• Instappen is niet nodig
• Verwisselen gaat snel en makkelijk
• De Burning Buckle blijft goed zitten
• Geen huidirritatie
• Focus blijft op de training
• Sterke billen ontlasten je rug
• Je kan zelfs je spijkerbroek aanhouden ;-)

Burning Buckle oefeningen

Met de Burning Buckle train je waar en wanneer jij wilt, zowel binnen als buiten. Zo kun je gemakkelijk vanuit je woonkamer bijvoorbeeld je billen en benen trainen. Zelfs op je werk in de pauze of stiekem tijdens werk op je bureaustoel kan jij aan de slag met de leg abduction. Al binnen een paar minuten ervaren jouw billen groeistimulans! Je hebt echt geen ingreep nodig om de befaamde billen van Kim Kardashian te krijgen, maar wel een goede weerstandsband en een killer work-out routine. Er zijn verschillende bilspieroefeningen die je kunt doen met de Burning Buckle. Door middel van een aantal eenvoudig uit te voeren oefeningen kun jij werken aan de perfecte bilpartij. Je kunt kiezen voor korte work-outs van 5 minuten, maar ook voor langer durende setjes. Hieronder hebben we de must have bilspieroefeningen en beenspieroefeningen voor je opgesomd die je met de Burning Buckle kunt doen.

Ga naar oefeningen

Buy the Burning Buckle

De Burning Buckle is de ideale toevoeging aan jouw bilspiertraining om meer kracht op te bouwen. Er is geen effectiever sportartikel te noemen dat zo eenvoudig in gebruik is. Wil jij weten hoe het is om met de Burning Buckle te trainen? Bestel dan vandaag nog jouw set weerstandsbanden. De Burning Buckle helpt je het maximale uit je training te halen. Heb je vragen of opmerkingen over de weerstandsband? Neem dan contact met ons op en stel je vraag! We vertellen je graag meer over onze producten en over hoe je deze het beste kunt toepassen. Bestel een set en probeer ze uit, je kan ze binnen 14 dagen ruilen. Build that booty!

Bestel Nu

Voor deze prijs ontvang je een verpakking met daarin twee gymbands van verschillende sterktes


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